вторник, 27 января 2009 г.

it's like to use computer mouse to analyse human reflexes :)

[10:01] hi everybody if i have 200 gb text with google robot generated text what to do with it?
[10:02] mb :)
[10:03] use it :)
[10:04] i think 200 mb text in some way unstable for reading
[10:05] Nah...it just depends on the word processor you're using :-)
[10:06] You might not want to open this with word pad...bit office should do fine ;-)
[10:06] *** freenom_ (~freenom@371cd19e.3974cd3.dip.t-dialin.net) joined
[10:08] maybe this is lack of design of google analytics
[10:09] *** mgco3 (~da@ joined
[10:09] *** [se7en] sets channel #Europe.chat mode +v mgco3
[10:11] *** arthurusrex quit (Quit: :::sorry ich muss leider gehn::::)
[10:12] *** mgco3 (~da@ left (.)
[10:14] *** yarddog quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:14] *** freenom_ quit (Read error: Input/output error)
[10:17] i use random generator at the moment to read random topic
[10:18] text divided
[10:19] so much traffic
[10:20] google alerts uses some kernel to expand
[10:21] but it is impossible to read everything
[10:23] *** RedSkin (~RedSkin@redskin.der.einzige) joined
[10:24] *** arthurusrex (~arthurusr@2d34f077.3ae158ff.pools.arcor-ip.net) joined
[10:25] *** sonmi (sonmi@four.five.one) joined
[10:25] it's like to use computer mouse to analyse human reflexes :)
[10:25] *** LammMann (~9760Terro@meine.Freundin.sagt.ich.sei.ein.Sexgott.de) joined

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