среда, 1 июля 2009 г.

Кнопки в МОЁМ редакторе

up, down, left, right cursor movement
ctrl-up, gray up scroll window up
ctrl-down, gray down scroll window down
alt-up scroll window up (cursor position remains)
alt-down scroll window down (cursor position remains)
shift-f4 scroll window left (step size equal to tab size)
shift-f5 scroll window right (step size equal to tab size)
gray left scroll window left
gray right scroll window right
page up move window one screen up
page down move window one screen down
alt-page up move window N lines up
alt-page down move window N lines down
alt-home move cursor to the start of page
alt-end move cursor to the end of page
ctrl-page up move cursor to the first line
ctrl-page down move cursor to the last line
ctrl-home move cursor to position (1; 1)
ctrl-end move cursor to position (1; line_count)
home move cursor to the first column of line
end move cursor one symbol after end of line
ctrl-left move cursor to the left word
ctrl-right move cursor to the right word
alt-/ synchronize upper-left window corner with cursor

enter ;-)
ctrl-z remove all symbols from current column to the end of line
ctrl-t remove right word
ctrl-backspace remove left word
tab insert 1..(N-1) spaces (N defined elsewhere)
shift-tab tab inside-out (backward;-)
delete remove one symbol
ctrl-[ downcase word
ctrl-] upcase word
ctrl-\ capitalize word
backspace ;-)

ctrl-y remove current line
f5 duplicate current line
ctrl-n, ctrl-f5, ctrl-enter insert empty line

insert flip `insert' state
f4 flip `ruler visible' state
ctrl-f4 flip `XXX_ruler' state
alt-a change tab size
alt-l clear `block selected' state
shift- `select' block
+ alt-t, alt-insert `select' word
ctrl-s set block start
ctrl-f set block end

shift-delete copy block to clipboard (cb) and remove it
shift-insert paste cb contents
ctrl-delete remove block
ctrl-insert copy block to cb
ctrl-shift-delete empty cb
ctrl-i indent block (step size equal to tab size)
ctrl-u unindent block (step size equal to tab size)
alt-i indent block
alt-u unindent block

alt-g `goto line' dialog
ctrl-g `goto column' dialog
alt-f8 `enhanced goto' dialog
f6, alt-right next window
shift-f6, alt-left previous window
ctrl-gray digits switch to another window
f7 `search' dialog
ctrl-f7 `search and replace' dialog
shift-f7, ctrl-l repeat last search
alt-f7 repeat last search in reverse direction

f2 write whole text to disk (`save')
shift-f2 `change file name' dialog and then a-la f2
ctrl-f2 send command `save' to all modified editors
alt-f2 send command `save' to all editors
shift-f10 send command `save' to all modified editors and quit
ctrl-w write cb to disk
alt-w write block to disk

f8 calculator
> f12 change calculator mode
alt-f5 show user screen
alt-0, f12 show list of all editors
alt-j ms-dos shell
ctrl-j run gnu `bash'
alt-f10 re-initialize current video mode (132x30, Win95;)
alt-x, f10 quit (exit ;-)
esc quit (optional)

ctrl-gray /,
ctrl-gray *,
ctrl-gray -,
ctrl-gray +,
ctrl-gray enter,
shift-ctrl-gray enter find next `token' (c++, sigma state)

gray enter insert scope begin-end (macro, optional)

+ f9 multiline comments coloring on/off
+ alt-f9 coloring on/off
+ ctrl-f9 status line on/off

shift-f9 about me ;-)
f1 help
+ ctrl-f1, ctrl-shift-f1 context help (c++, gnu info required, sigma state)

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