среда, 1 июля 2009 г.

zed2000 configuration file

// ZED Config File
block_insert = no // block cursor in insert state
unix_end = no //
exit_cleanup = y // deallocate all memory at exit (Beta-testing; real os'es do not need this)
MultiLineComments = y // enable comments coloring
analize_rename = y // analize file when its' type changed after rename
debug = no // Beta-testing
cache_video = y // cache screen output
vsync = y //
#define F lightgray
#define B blue
atStdinclude = yellow on B

CursorBeyondEnd = Yes
AutoIndent = Yes
PersistentBlocks = No
AutoBrackets = No
EscExits = No
Grayenter_macro = Yes // Insert {}, Begin-End, etc.
Brief_home = Yes // If true then first home moves cursor to the first non-space

TabSize = 4 // Used while editing
TabSizeASM = 8 // Used for ASM/S files
// if tab size wasn't auto-detected
HardTabSize = 8 // Used for expanding tabs on file load
// (usually = 8)
AutoTabSizeOnLoad = Yes // Auto detect tab size
// (quite good for structured sources)

CalcOpType = MP_Real // Real (double)
// MP_Real (mpf_t from GNU Multiple Precision math lib, DJGPP port only)
CalcMPDigits = 256 // 20 to 256 (MP_Real)
Calc_Callback = No // Show calculation flow (MP_Real)
multichar_nasm = Yes // In the Netwide assembler "mov eax,'abcd'" is the same as "mov eax,0x64636261",
// but in the e.g. Tasm the 32-bit constant is "061626364h"

HighLight = Yes // Highlight c/c++ etc. source text
// using integrated parser
// (for the list of supported file types
// see dox if any:-)

//enum {
// black = 0, blue, green, cyan, red, purple, brown, lightgrey = 7,
// darkgrey, lightblue, lightgreen, lightcyan,
// lightred, lightpurple, yellow, white = 15
atNormalText = F on B
atSelect = B on F
atStatusLine = black on cyan
atMainFrame = cyan on black

atKeyWord = white on B
atFunction = lightcyan on B
atSpecial = blue on yellow
atLabel = lightblue on lightgray
atSyntax = cyan on B
atInvalid = red on white

atOctal = lightred on B
atHex = yellow on B
atDecimal = lightblue on B
atFloat = lightpurple on B
atBinary = lightgreen on B

atChar = yellow on B
atString = brown on B
atPreprocess = lightblue on B
atPreprocessUnknown = lightblue on lightpurple
atComment = green on B

atTitle = blue on lightgrey

atMBNormal = black on lightgrey
atMBSave = blue on white
atMBHelp = blue on lightgrey
atMBError = lightgrey on red

atRulerN = red on white
atRulerI = white on red

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