вторник, 24 ноября 2009 г.

Where Did the Universe Come From? Was it started by… God?

Without a doubt, the biggest question in science is, “Where did it all come from?”

Brilliant minds have expressed every conceivable opinion. But is there a consensus? What does the very best information from science tell us?

Because of all the new research that is coming in every week, I've written a five-day series of emails. We explore the fascinating beginnings of the universe, and what eminent scientists like Albert Einstein and astronomer Robert Wilson have to say about it.

You'll Discover:
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Day 1 - The mistake Einstein later called “the biggest blunder of my career” – and a dangerous assumption that nearly blinded him to the greatest discovery of the 20th century.

Day 2 - Bird droppings on my telescope” – a strange piece of radio data that was almost attributed to… well, birds – and how this Nobel Prize-winning experiment now shapes our understanding of time itself.

Day 3 - How “one extra atom” at the birth of the universe could have wiped out entire galaxies, or even the whole cosmos.

Day 4 - Тhe Atheist's Riddle: So simple, any child can understand; so complex, no atheist can solve it.

Day 5 - Тhe Big Bang and new implications for science, philosophy, and beliefs about God.
The 5-part series starts today. Just enter your name and email address and click the button. I promise not to sell or rent your email address to anyone (that only creates hard feelings anyway), and you can un-subscribe at any time.


Perry Marshall

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